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what should i cook today for tea

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suzie1 | 17:10 Sat 13th Mar 2010 | Food & Drink
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Blimey, what has been going on??

Never mind about supper, start thinkin about a midnight feast!!!
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you don't really expect this in food and drink....
lol Salla....I presumed it was in CB. Just realised it's in Food & Drink...pmsl
I thought it was in CB too!
i had cake and custard about an hour ago that was my supper :)
could be worse - could be in arts & culture.

I've been good - no alcohol now for 23 hours. Can I have some framboise tarte with madagascan vanilla cream?
no knowledge you have copied and pasted a answer from me half way through the thread,not interested in what you have to say and you surely arent with me i see a very embittered man that bullies and wants to be top dog and cant accept that this site management called you annoying,didnt want to tell you that but they did so stop being a total elbow ole or you will get banned,like they told you when you were giving me a hard time,so i think its in your best interest to contact them and stop being a total!!
No idea what the 2 big words mean in your post there Salla, I just noticed the words "tart" and "cream"- go for it!
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I was practising for the voiceover job on the M&S ad.... Basically it's raspberry flan and cream with black bits in that smells like a candle. I take that as a yes then >>>>>>
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What Poodicat said.
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thanks riss.x
knowledge i have no alias
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A hard time NOT an hard know
No probs-they come in little pots,about the size of an old 50p,the shop is in Covent Garden.
Poodicat,dont engage with the nasty little man,all you and I have said about him sums him up.

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what should i cook today for tea

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