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Foreign languages

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mike11111 | 23:20 Sun 14th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Is it against the house rules to post a contribution in a foreign language, or would I have to provide a simultaneous translation?


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Some people here struggle with english
23:25 Sun 14th Mar 2010
I certainly wouldn't have a problem with it, though you'd almost certainly get a diatribe from the "hard of thinking" brigade...
The site is not confined to the UK so anyone should be free to post in whatever language they like.
Some people here struggle with english
As this is a "" site, contributions can come from anywhere in the world ...

... and presumably in any language.

Subject to ...

(1) the contributor needs to be able to read the site in English

(2) I don't know if the site supports characters from, say, Japapese, or Arabic.
Question Author
Diolch yn fawr i bawb am eich cymorth.

(Thanks everyone for your help)
> Some people here struggle with [english] English.

They certainly do...
> (Thanks everyone for your help)

'S e ur beatha.
It's a fair cop

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Foreign languages

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