1. Essential parts of fish, we hear,for northerners
M - N - S [ 5 letters]
2.In a sense I'm breaking valuable crockery
- - I - S - N [7]
If ps would like to know how you worked it out pls
many thanks to all, now that I have FINNS it puts something else out pls can you help :-
Army rations at Thermopylae
- P - R - A - F - A - [ 7 & 4] I had SPARTAN MEAL but now have to change second word can someone help pls ?
if its SPARTAN FARE and I dont doubt yu are correct then ---------the clue
Reckon once more to tell the tale [7 LETTERS] I have ACCOUNT but if I make it
RECOUNT then thats me done and dusted ! many thanks to all, have a nice evening whatever you may be doing.