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zzxxee | 15:07 Wed 31st Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
93 Answers
if you want to share it please do and i will do my very best to help you???


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any more problems role up role up !!!!
Ok zz, here we go:

Hi ladies, i'm a 28 year old serviceman living in london. I'm looking for a lady with low standards and even lower morals. Anyone interested?
Question Author
no no bobjugs its not done like that !!!! open up a new post and sell yourself
your caring
considerate ect !!!!!
I appear not to have been paid enough salary for March, can you help sexy ? x
You're supposed to be the expert zz, help me write it please.
i think bobs has got it about right
Question Author
cab do you have proof of hours worked like a clocking in card or somewhere hours are logged down??

bobjugs what exactly are you looking for long term a bit of fun what kind of age group
what do you like looks wise
what interests do you have i need a bit more to go on to help you write an add
Yes in my little black book
McFluff and umm have both seen my pic so they would be better placed to describe me, as I think I'm a sex god with the physique of Adonis. Interests include drinking and sleeping.
Age range and what i'm after is unimportnat. Just some female attention would be nice :(
Question Author
well i would go to your wages dept and take it up with them they must have a record of the hours you have worked compare your hours with theirs it may just be a misunderstanding
Question Author
so any holes a goal then !!!!!!!!
your not going to get a loving relasionship if you dont start having higher expectations bobjugs xx
hang on i will put up a post look out for it give me a min
Question Author
there you go ive opened a post for you !!!
Question Author
oi dont go all quiet on me now bobjugs !!!!!

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