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fao joggerjayne and anyone else who wats a flutter o the gee gees...

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stokemaveric | 10:49 Fri 09th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
all at sung blue...3.10...kalahari king [nap]..and a lively outsider in the 3.45...wee robbie....


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song sung blue reminds me off my dad, he used to sing it to me!

Spare Ed
I like the name Song Sung Blue - reminds me of Neil Diamond. Though I'd prefer a horse called Sweet Caroline.
anyhows - since I haven't had a win since Greasepaint - I will bet on Song Sung Blue or Flintoff.
Question Author
its ok spare ed...a little horse gave them to

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fao joggerjayne and anyone else who wats a flutter o the gee gees...

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