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kids of today

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Booldawg | 19:17 Sun 16th May 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Insights of a Taxi Driver #1:

I collected a load of people last night at 1.30am in a medium sized town near us. I had the window wound down slightly and overheard the following exhchange between a young girl and the (obviously) squaddie she's just picked up:

Girl: Have a few questions, Girlfriend? Condom? Any STDs?

didnt hear the blokes answer but they both walked off and dissappeard down an alleyway.

LOL is that how courting is done today?


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Has it not always gone on?

They just couldn't afford taxi's in those days....
I thought STDs were something to do with telephones.
How much was she charging ?
she missed ' any good?'
At least they were sensible questions not Will you still respect me in the morning
And they say romance is dead....
No.....Yes....No....sounds like reasonable foreplay.
that is true moral fibre compared to most people!
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*vietnam vet voice* 'I've seeeeen thangs!'
Oh the joys of alcohol....

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kids of today

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