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its going to be a hot nite 2nite......

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stokemaveric | 23:29 Sun 23rd May 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
the mrs doesnt know it yet


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Are you going to be wearing your birthday suit?
Don`t do it, arson is a serious offence
It's quite cool here now. I had both doors open until about 10pm and then I just had the front door open after that. I'll probably get a bit warm in the middle of the night though,.
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lol ive just put the central heating on....
I've heard all about heat stroke, stoke (that took a bit of typing) it's been very warm today I've even taken my vest off it's been that warm. So just be careful of overdoing it.
My Dad used to keep his vest on until the middle of summer because he used to say Don`t cast a clout `til May is out!
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lol ayg ill try fact shae has just put on her face cream so i guess its not going to be a hot night after all...237sj...your dad was probably right it will probably be snowing next week knowing our weather lol

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its going to be a hot nite 2nite......

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