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Up and down like a ***'s drawers....

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Bbbananas | 11:33 Thu 27th May 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I've just used that expression, and my colleagues are cracking up. Have none of you ever heard that before or did I make it up?


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the asterisks should be a word sounding like hoare's....
I've heard it before....
Commonly used in my work, normally to describe a unstable internet connection.
Yep on many occasions
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Not original then :-(
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It's funny what little things stir up memories isn't it. Every time I hear or read the word 'bisexual' I think of my Nanna Woody. Not that she was bisexual - far from it, but she used to get her words mixed up (as does my daughter) and she used to go around telling people she was bisexual. She meant ambidextrous. She was quite proud of the fact.
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I feel like that today... The knickers bit, not the w hoare.
A version I heard was "up and down like a bride's nighty".
That's the one barmaid. And 'in and out like a fiddlers elbow', is the other one

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Up and down like a ***'s drawers....

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