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i was walking the dog down the park today....

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stokemaveric | 16:11 Sat 12th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
and a kid rode past me on a chopper bike just like 1 i had as a kid...what was your 1st ever bike???


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RSW lll
An upright bike - I didn't get a bike til I was 12, my dad bought it for me when I passed my 11+
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i was amazed to see a chopper bike lol...are raleigh making them again?? are raleigh even still going??
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mandy higginbottom???....behind the bike shed???
I never had a bike, ;-(

But I did have roller skates!
A Raleigh fourteen - excellent for winning the slow bicycle race at school sports :)

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i was walking the dog down the park today....

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