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Mephisto 2598

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Nical | 15:05 Sun 13th Jun 2010 | Crosswords
5 Answers
1A That gran stupidly swallowed a bit of chewing gum (10) ------a---
4 D Stupid having lost clog!(8) ---m----


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1a (Gum) Tragacanth - anag 'that gran + a + c(hewing)'
4d I've got gormless but not sure about the "clog" bit?
Question Author
Thanks - I like the sound/look of 'gormless' but don't know why.
Ah, the penny drops!

Gorm-less - 'gorm' (alt sp of 'gaum') is "to smear; daub; clog..."
Thank you Lie-in-king for your help there. Gaumless fits with the other across clues so I'm going with that spelling.

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Mephisto 2598

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