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what to do with chicken

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gina32 | 15:20 Sun 13th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
what do you do with your chicken to make it tastier? thanks


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pluck it
how do you mean? What are you having with chicken? Do you mean in a Roast? 'm having chicken stir fry chow mein later
beejay does your "F'' key sometimes come out as "Pl''?
haha bigfoot
v plunny
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yes, im having roast chicken with all the trimmings.
Rub it with olive oil before you put it in the oven. However I have found that tastiness often depends on the chicken - cheaper ones from the supermarket often taste less good that ones which have led a better life. M&S sell one of the best ones IMO.
Explain why it isnt tasty usually, how would you like it to be more tastier? You mean not so dry?
scrap that more
Put between 2 sheets of grease proof paper or wrap loosely in cling film and roll out with a rolling pin until you have escalops that are approx 1cm thick. Stuff with cheese (preferably Wensleydale with Cranberries and roll up, tucking the edges in to seal. Dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs, and place into a heated frying pan with a spot of oil. Brown all over and transfer to oven-proof dish. Voila... homemade chicken kievs !
Sorry... that recipe was for chicken breasts.

For roast chicken... rub half a lemon all over the chicken, sprinkle with coarsely ground black pepper and stuff with a big bunch of fresh thyme and roast in the oven.
put some stuffing into it
Lol@beejay. I got absolutely plucked last night!
was it feasant bigfoot ?
Yes pure bliss!
Put half a lemon inside. Cut a whole bulb of garlic in half and put it around the chicken.
I`ve just had what I call my summer roast when I don`t want the full works. I rub olive oil over the chicken, then roast it in cajun spices with lemon, garlic and thyme. I had it with roasted med vegetables and crushed baby new potatos.
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Put garlic and butter under the skin of the chicken before cooking.
no prob - gina
Id prefer to be thanked with a piece of chicken gina!

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