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just seen the space station....

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stokemaveric | 23:20 Wed 23rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
great view tonight....


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bugger I forgot......
And me. I will get around to seeing it one day, even if my vision is a bit blurred from the snakebite and vodka (not together of course).
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lol craft i had my binoculars out in the back garden i hope to god the neighbours didnt see me lol
Just seen Babestation..great views too
stoke last time I went out to watch it the other week a guy walking his dog saw me and he stopped and starting looking up. I said "I know what I'm looking at, do you?". He left quite quickly......
As long as that's all you had out in the garden stokey!
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lol elvis i bet the were some heavenly bodies to be seen.....
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lol jan what are you suggesting????

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just seen the space station....

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