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Did I just see 3 seperate lol threads?

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Mick-Talbot | 09:55 Tue 29th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
never managed to open any of them , what was it all about?


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Twas me... I mass posted by accident and then ed made em go poof for me
Yeah you did Mick - or at least, I did too. I thought I was hallucinating.....
Me too...................and one 'go Ab ed' ...................they went to 'couldn't retrieve that post' instantaneously........!?!
He was removing Doc's post at the time and I believe he took mine along with as it was an accident
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For Funks Sake , what were they thinking snags.
I am mistaken it wasn't Docs thread it was someone elses. But Ed is on the ball today!

Thanks Ed. I will try not to mass post again... I am not sure what happens?!

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Did I just see 3 seperate lol threads?

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