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Does anyone know

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cazzz1975 | 17:47 Sun 04th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
why bigfoot3000's account has been suspended..?



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The Ed 'was' keeping an eye on him but once he started to show his true colours I think they decided that it was the same-old same-old and he disappeared in in a cloud of pan-stick ! ;o)
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i missed his true colours, they are normally quite spectacular :)
He didn't really have the chance to get going..........
A couple of posts containing his usual pre-occupations and that was it..........gone !
Once again it's all gone over my head! What did bigfoot do?
Any idea when bobjugs is going to be outed then? Or have i missed that too?
He posted a photo of a man in a jump-suit covered in d ildoes on a thread by Salla. Then made a couple of unpleasant comments on one or two other threads (I reported one)..........and because the ed had already marked his card, that seemed to be enough, this time.
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maybe it will all be a big error, maybe he will be reinstated tomorrow like mollykins
blimey what's bobjugs done??? (how's No1 Daughter today BTW B00?)
Nowt that I know of dotty, I just think he's iffier than an iffy thing, though I could be wrong (I usually am!)

She's home! She had her blood patch this morning, was kept in for a few hours to see if headaches would go, they did more or less and they've chucked her out :-)

I can stop panicking over her- for now....
Noooo not smiley face bigfoot?
That's good then B00, I had a bit of an iffy start wih my eldest and I didn't recover from the birth very well and it hit me hard, I hope she settles down quickly to motherhood.
How long does a suspension last then?

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