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crazylegs has been suspended

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cazzz1975 | 20:24 Thu 08th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
why is this, apart from being a "smacker" what did he do that was wrong?


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it's not the 'ACTIVE' bit that is important it is the 'last active' that updates with posts or reports
sorry: Last Activity
On Sunday morning I logged out of AB in Firefox and didn't log in again until Tuesday. However by keeping a check on my profile using another browser (in this case Safari) I kept seeing my 'last active' date/time changing to what seemed to be the time at which I started Firefox running (but without accessing AB in Firefox at all).

It was only when I deleted the AB cookie in Firefox that the active date/time stopped changing.

It doesn't seem right but that is what definitely happened.
Cazzz, I sent her a message on Skype, saying much the same as you just have. I asked for confirmation that she was okay, as I (and of course, others on AB) were worried about her well-being. I even said that if she was just fed up and wanted to sever contact, she could just tell me to bu88er off, and no more would be said - just wanted to know all was well with her.

She didn't reply to my question and our contact, which had always been friendly, suddenly stopped. I strongly hope I am wrong, but I think she passed away. She had several ailments and she was getting on a bit. [:o(
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if you logged out of AB, how did the cookie log your time if you were not logged in?
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maybe mrs c, it could be that her computer is in someone else's possession now?

I suppose its nice to see some activity on her profile :S
Someone (dunno who) on SAB said Crazylegs was Gravy the other night. I don't know him personally (pixelly) so I wouldn't have a clue - just quoting :)
As I said, the time seemed to be when Firefox started - as though there is code/script within the cookie that connects with the site at that time, which is the only explanation I can come up with.
I agree with you cazzz. It'd be great if we found out that Ethel was alive and kicking!

Gawd, wouldn't it be horrible if we found that she was that horrible Klown person?

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