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TWR | 13:54 Sat 24th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Family member, lower than a snake withdraws hundreds from his 93yrs mothers account, hows that for a first rate B@stard, I have just found out. nothing but an evil piece of sht.


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Low as that family member is, he couldn't match my nephew. After his father died he began bullying his mother. He wanted her to sell the family home and give him 1/3 of what she got. He'd never contributed a penny towards it but he eventually got his way. In the process he had made his mother homeless.
Now, he really is a piece of broccoli.
TWR...I have changed my those circumstances, no I couldn´t, but I can think of certain situations where I might.
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Sandy, there are ways to deal with these b@stards believe me, as this piece of sht is going to find out, It beggars belief how people especially family can do that to their own, these b@stards, I would not pzzzzzz on them even if their low life depended on it.
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Squd, iv always been brought up to help people, next door to me is an elderly person of 96 I help her in every way I can, not for gain but for respect for people like her, if time permit as I did this morning a couple of jobs in her home, money was offered but why should I take her money? If i wanted her money I would have given her a quote before doing the job, this heap of human sht I'm on about has scrounged off my mother in food, washing, doing his ironing, the b@stard cannot even boil a bloody egg, to ripping people off, there's no contest with the b@stard.
When my grandpa died my granny discovered he'd gambled away their life savings and she was left with nothing. She had no idea how to budget, pay a bill or anything as he's always done it, so my aunt took over my granny's financials. After a year or so of very frugal living my granny had built up a wee nest egg out of her pension and was feeling a little more secure, only for my aunt to clean out the account, change her phone number, and tell her kids not to visit their granny ever again. The poor woman was devastated, not only had she been betrayed again but she'd effectively lost her grandkids - I don't think she ever did see them again before she died.
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You know Karenmac, things like this really make my blood boil, I used to hear & read about it until, as you will have read, the B@SDARD that I thought was my brother did that to his mother the evil piece of sht.

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