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supersuezy24 | 19:18 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | Reality TV
16 Answers
Up this week:

Ben, Dave, John James and Steve !!


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Steve to go.

Ben is hilarious
Dave is nice
John James loves an argument

Steve serves no purpose....BORING..
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Hiya Ummmm,
I think Ben or Dave will go, john james escaped earlier and told the producers he loved josie!!
oooooh, I was sure Rachel would be up. between steve and dave
I prefer Dave.
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Rachel is seriously grating on me!! And what is with Josie sucking her thumb??
I think John James loves Josie, but only as a friend - she is messing with his mind and is a total bitch - look how she laughed at him when he emerged from the security door.

Get Her Out !!
Steve to go.. He does nothing, thinks he's 'top dog' and 'untouchable' as that non-housemate Joel stated... or Dave.. he gives me the creeps... - how about a double eviction.. get rid of both!!!
ooh gosh, i dont know who i want to go really ...
ben i do like, he makes me laugh,
dave is fine,
john james is ok too,
and steve is fine, but, like the others have said he doesnt really do much, and i do think he feels 'quietly confident' about being there till the end ..
ooh so i dont know! ...
but theres one thing i do know though, and that is how josies 'laughing' is getting on my blummin wick!
i think her getting all this male attention now has changed her ever so slightly...?
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Rachel is seriously p!ssing me off.
I just wanna smack her haha
Can you spell gullible rachel????
you want to smack alot lately suez, violence is not the answer lol. I'm loving andrew tonight
yep Andrew was hilarious, he really loved that!
Think Steve or Dave should go, Steve's boring and Dave is getting whingy.

How / why did John James escape?
ohhhh andrew... bless himm! ... i think he thought he'd died and gone to heaven in that diary room just then! ... ''call me...'' ..... lol .....
really - that has surprised me. I think steve should go he doesn't really contribute and isn;t even slightly entertaining (even though i fancy him). I do hope he gets the money for his leg though.
You FANCY Steve?? Can't imagine anyone fancying him, I'm sure there's a dark side to him.
I want him out, if not get Dave out.

i didn't at first the black false eye did my head in and i hate tattoo's, but he's kinda grown on me esp the last few days (i've got a thing about big shoulders is my only defence)
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