Law1 min ago
Barking dog
23 Answers
I have new neighbours who keep a young dog in the shed alone for 23 hours out of 24. There is a little outside space and she is not illtreated but I would say stressed. I offered to walk her and this worked well, she was very happy, no trouble. I had to clean out the shed because she had chewed up her mattress and the flocking was all over the floor which she had peed on of course and the flies were swarming, so I swept it up. Later I brought her an old sleeping bag as she had no other bedding. She has kept us awake barking and my husband asked them to see to her one night and was told they didn't want me to go round any more. Last weekend they went away and someone came round to feed her. She's a nice dog but I wonder why they have her when they don't spend time with her? I don't know what I can do to help her now.
Most councils now have dog wardens - they not only ensure we clean up after our pets, but also that dogs are well cared for by responsible owners. If you're not sure how to get a hold of one, try any dog training classes in the area, they should have all the information you need. It may be that the owners are just ignorant of what is required of them as dog owners and the...
20:22 Tue 10th Aug 2010
veebird, there is a new thread with another answer and a helpline for you
veebird, there is a new thread with another answer and a helpline for you