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stokemaveric | 11:41 Sat 28th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
desert creek..2.00..goodwood...bullwhip...2.15 newmarket..whailleyy...2.45 newmarket...and bated breath...3.20 newmarket...good luck...


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A bit more advice neede on this betting lark.

How does an each way bet work?

Let's say I put £10 on at 10 to 1 to win, and another £10 each way.

How much does each bet get for a first place, and how much for coming second?
Question Author
£10.00 pounds on a 10-1 winner would give you £100.00 back plus your stake money back and that would give you a grand total of £110.00 back hopkirk an e/w bet returns depends on how many runners really...but i always go on the nose...mores the pity desert creek has just finished a close
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