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O braw !!

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Dris | 18:36 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Thats the massed Pipe Bands gathering just across the street from my house at the RBL-fresh from the Braemar Gathering.
I know the Pipe Bands arent everyones cup of tea but when you see hundreds its quite stirring -could do without them tuning up next to the house tho lol


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I love them could watch them for ages.
I bet it is a wonderful sight and sound Dris - better than screaming children!
wendilla - watching hem is one thing, listening to them is another.

It isn't the sort of music you can ignore. It's okay in small (very) doses.

Enjoy Dris - I am off to watch TV.
I should love to go to the tattoo at edinburgh. I was born there.
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All the coaches are arriving at the moment and its heartening to see all the young ones carrying on the tradition :)
Have just had to shout at one tho -cos he was practising at my open lounge window -too much lol !!
Poor Dris - I would just turn off the hearing aid ☺
Fine if you like sound akin to a load of cats being strangled

Not what I'd call music
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wolf -its an aquired taste but I still get goosebumps every time so guess ive aquired it :)

wendilla -you must go -I have been several times and I can honestly say its the most awesome sight.Surrounded by the Castle with the spotlight on the lone piper on the Castle Ramparts -a sight to behold.
I like it very much actually joe, lone pipers are very popular in the south
Why are they always fat and look ready to burst?
They have just eaten a steam train, that is where they get the wind from to make the sound come out of the bagpipes ☺
I have been up edinburgh castle a few years ago
wolf if you are off to watch x factor then you might hear cats being strangled too
Fabulous Dris, we watched the Edinburgh Military Tattoo on TV last week - spectacular. We would have gone to the Gathering of the Clans event when it was on, but it was too expensive!
Can I just join in - Went to the Edinburgh Tattoo 2 weeks ago it was fantastic. One item that was very good was the New Zealand Army Band doing the rugby Haka ( not sure of speling) to music. And of course the massed pipes amd drums were superb.
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wendilla boxy joe ttfn ankou -sorry for not coming back -they were brilliant spesh the p!shed drummers -well a malt or two is just too much to refuse on their big day lol !!

Off out -ttfn (lol ♥♥♥)

Bleeding fireworks now -we'll never get across the bridge now -might as well watch them

Have a great night -if I appear at silly o' clock tell me gently it would be in my best interests to go to bed;)

O no dogs and alarms are going nanty now -bet you wish you were here pmsl !!!!

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O braw !!

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