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Is this right?????

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stokemaveric | 23:08 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
i work for a care company and i have the company car, I cannot claim any milage allowence and if something goes wrong with the car i have to pay. Is this right or should i take it higher than the company i work for?


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Sorry stoke, not sure, but surely you only get a mileage allowance for using you own car?
Company car = Company pays surely
I'm not sure what the rules are about companies’ cars but I think companies should shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the upkeep of their vehicles. The companies I know of which have their own vehicles do that.
Are you the only person who uses it, or is it a pool car?
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Its a pool car but unfortunatly i dont have much luck with cars and i have had it more than others these past couple of months.
No that's good stoke, if it was only you using it you'd have to pay tax on it.
I used a pool car when I was a debt collector, but the company had to pay for any repairs and the petrol. You obviously didn't get any mileage allowance as you weren't incurrung any expense.
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i have to put the petrol in to get me around work roughly do 80 miles a day. The car needed a new tyre which i payed for. Now im being told i cant claim anything back. Is this right?
All I can say is that when I used a pool car everything was paid for by the company. How can they ask you to pay for the've not worn the bloody thing out personally have you.
I don't think the sitation is clear here. If it's a pool car doesn't that mean a few people use it or have used it? If so, w how can they decide who should pay for repairs. If X drove it for 2 months then handed it over to Y and the car needed a new exhaust why should Y pay.
A few questions:-
Are pool cars shared over a period of time?
do you pay tax on having private use of the car as a benefit in kind. You should if you have private use and the employer pays the costs of repairs insurance etc but not if you pay them for private use?
Does the company give you some sort of fuel card?
When you drive 80 miles a day is that to your normal place of work? Home to work mileage normally has to be paid privately? Or is it driving between care homes etc- that is company business.
Who insures the vehicle and taxes it?
Do you get ever any mileage allowance for anything?

Why not hand the car back and say you can't afford to run it? Or why not return it to your company each night and that way if you've only done company business in it any costs should fall on them.
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by the way this is my daughters question not mine lol...
Hi stokemaveric- can your daughter provide info on the questions I asked so I can clarify things. Ta.
From a tax angle, if the car is owned by an employer, the employer is responsible for all upkeep on the vehicle. Similarly, if you use their car for business-purposes only (i.e. they specifically state in your contract that the car is not to be used to travel from your home to the place of business), they should either provide all fuel or reimburse you for purchasing it. If the employer is adamant that you have to pay for things like tyres and fuel etc., I should have a chat with someone at the Citizen's Advice Bureau as it seems you are being taken for a ride - no pun intended!!

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