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Happy Birthday to me !

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joggerjayne | 21:15 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Whoops, I'm a bit early ... it's not until Sunday.

Ha ha, LOL

Not that I'm trying to remind you, or anything !!



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go on JJ, do a doc count-down
Mopps ;-)
How old are you JJ ?

(I couldt think of a savvy way to ask so thought blunt would do:)) x
I shall do a Sunday Dinner Thread in your honour, Seagull. x x
O that would be so nice NoM -im off for the weekend to a lovely fishing village so can you encompass mussels into the menu? (I'll be back Sunday afternoon) !
I love mussels ! I must get some from somewhere and make a fish stew or something.
Your excitement is showing :-)
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I'll be 44, Dris.
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HB ... you need to make double, for me and also headwreck.
No way JJ -you're looking good :)
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oops sorry Headwreck -i'll remember on Sunday !
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Have you got anything planned jj, and what do you want for your birthday? - Or do you want us all to guess.
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Well, now you mention it AYG, there's a new recording of "Parsifal" coming out this month.

I was going to treat myself but, well ... if you're having a whip round, LOL.

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Happy Birthday to me !

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