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stokemaveric | 09:21 Fri 17th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
the world a better place??


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I'd become fabulously wealthy, thus less of a whinging cow, making everyone round me happier, and that love will spread like a domino effect.
Get rid of religion.

I really believe it does more harm than good.
great now I have 'heal the world' in my head.
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lol boo i love your way of thinking...sorry 4get...
I agree with Andy, get rid of religion and most of all the Pope.

Why cannot people live their lives without having to go down on bended knees!!
"Why cannot people live their lives without having to go down on bended knees!! "

Hehehe, sorry- anyone else read something else into this?
some people have to make a living funnygirl
ha ha great minds B00 :-)
Not more Pope bashing....haven't we had enough now????
To take my notion a little further -

my own belief is that relgion is borne from a psychological need to rely on 'something higher' to explain the mysteries we all appreciate, but don't understand.

Similarly, in times when life was brutal and short, it made sense to believe that something better awaited Man when he shuffled off this mortal coil.

I don't feel the need for either - although i have no problem with those who do, except of course, that another aspect of human nature is that righteousness leads on to self-righteousness - and that's where the trouble begins.
Nuke it!

Mankind is it's own worst enemy!
I already do merely by existing... ahem... ;0)

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