I've done most of my paperwork by computer for a good many years, and now find I can't make a decent job of writing by hand - even addressing an envelope looks a mess. It seems my hand doesn't keep up with my intended words, and letters get missed out. Does anyone else have this problem and what is your handwriting like?
My hand writing is very neat but I've found that I have to concentrate more now. And doesn't it ache your hand? Reminds me of going back to school after the school holidays and not being able to write..
My hand writing is very neat but I've found that I have to concentrate more now. And doesn't it ache your hand? Reminds me of going back to school after the school holidays and not being able to write..
My parents were of a generation who learnt to write "Properly" and they passed it on to myself and my sisters they still write with a beautifull copperplate style but since I had my stroke in 2001 my writing looks like a spider walked in an inkwell then crawled acoss the paper
Ola Yankee x
I have a distinctive handwriting style as well and i've also been commented on about how neat it is.I miss words out (a lot) when im typing but am OK when writing.
Mine has gone downhill since using a PC.............I used to be asked to write wedding invites etc and went to calligraphy classes way back, they wouldn't ask me now!
I'm glad that I am not he only one, I even measure cards and do templates so that I can put cards through my printer also the envelopes, in fact I am embarrassed these days to write anything.
An English teacher at school made me use the chalk in my right hand (I'm left-handed) to write my name on the blackboard because he didn't believe how bad my handwriting was (I was copying something he was reading out and when I have to speed write my handwriting goes all over the place).