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Saw a Chicken..

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hippyhoppy | 22:30 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
wandering down the High Street today.. Surely that's not normal... (fingers crossed Perry doesn't get hold.. Lordy.. the mess under Joey's bed will be hideous!!)


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Did it cross the road?
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lol - no it just stood there....looking a bit bemused...
Perhaps it was looking for that husky in another thread that killed his pals.
-- answer removed --
Maybe it was an escapee from Colonel Saunders the Kentucky man.
Perhaps it was playing chicken
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you know what Gran.. watched Food.. and all I could think of was KFC!!!
It may have been controlled by a remote. Was it clunking and not clucking?
...quite speechless about this thread. although i cant stop laughing

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Saw a Chicken..

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