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ive just got in from manchester..

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stokemaveric | 01:17 Thu 18th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
and i could have just kept on driving and driving...have you ever had that feeling???


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It's perfectly understandable that the desire to get as far away from Manchester as possible should persist well after you've reached your destination ;-)
No I don't Dave. Once home, I stop - but I do live on the south coast ;o)
Yes. I remember driving back from North Wales at night. There was a big full moon in the windscreen and the radio was on. Mind you, if you were leaving North Wales, you would want to just keep driving and driving.
I generally don't mind driving (which is just as well because on the days I go out I normally travel a couple of hundred miles). But sometimes I will have a talking book in the CD player and some nice weather and the roads are clear and I just want to enjoy my lovely little car and time to myself.
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lol at you all it was lovely on the m6 hardly a car in sight and dire straits on the
M6 Toll road is a god send. Never seen another car on it!
Oh, another Dire Straits fan!
I love listening to their music on long drives.
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now thats real driving music beunchico...
I've just got into talking books, but I've run out!! Hence I have to suffer the a14 tomorrow with no entertainment (other than the other numpties on the road)
A14? So you're coming past here again, Barmaid, then.
I'll try to remember to walk the two miles up to the road and wave a big flag at you ;-)
Yes I'll be driving past you about 9am Chris! Short appointment in court tomorrow so should be back again around 11.30!
That sounds like a nice easy day, BM. All I've got to do tomorrow is show my face at the JobCentre. Boring!!!
Not so easy really, I've spent an age prepping. Knowing my luck the lists will be overloaded and I'll still be there at stupid o clock. Still at least then I can justify lunch at the wine bar!!!!!
Oh, go on, treat yourself to lunch at The Last Anchor. It's not far from the town centre, on Haven Marina:

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ive just got in from manchester..

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