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If Something Smells, Do You Say "Pongy" or Ponky?"

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mrs_overall | 13:18 Thu 06th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
or is this a North/South divide issue?


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ha ha anytime.......weirdo :-)
pongy (south)
-- answer removed --
jj lives in brighton so anything 'she' says should be taken with a pinch of sea salt and a dollop of seagull poo *

* really really ponky seagull poo
Cripes, Fluffy ... I've just noticed that animal on your avatar ...

And I'm wierd ???


I'm going out for a bit.

Be good, guys x x x
umm took hers off so i thought i'd put one on instead

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If Something Smells, Do You Say "Pongy" or Ponky?"

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