i've owned and worked with many a hamster!!! Clean out twice a week,they will usually have a wee corner so keep that as clean as you can,every morning throw away any uneaten food,check little hamster hasn't gone to the toilet in food bowl,if he has,wash bowl then feed him with new food every morning.You may notice he leaves the same bits,they tend to only eat the bits they like and you may also find a pile of food in his bed,this is normal,they store food for later!! You should also change the water daily,imagine drinking the same water for more than 2 days,warm and your spit in it,that is what your hamster will feel. Give him a wheel for exercise,a bed he can hide in with soft bedding from pet shop,it looks like candy floss and he will be happy.You can also give him a few treats,not every day though or he will get a bad tummy,appple,carrot,grapes and you can buy hamster treats,also a mineral and salt lick and something he can knaw at to trim his teeth down which grow all the time,have fun!!