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jd_1984 | 17:00 Thu 10th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
What was the first question you asked on AB, and what made you come back for more?

Mine was a question re bank holiday traffic driving to Cornwall last August.


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My first question was 'Which is the warmest sea?' I was rubbish at Google then.
I remember that quiz Dave and all the fuss. Do they still run it?
ah,you made me look back at all my posts and made me laugh at some of the things I was concerned about and how things have changed over the past six years.
My first post was about a twin peaks dvd of all things but most of them have been about animals.
I have enjoyed AB and come back to it every couple of months-sometimes to see the same subjects hammered out.
Don't know why some people can be so nasty though,I think people just take things the wrong way or the posts are mis-read.E-mails and letters can be a bit like that too,can't see your eyes!
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Mine was this: http://www.theanswerb...c/Question931130.html
how rude of me not replying to my Q when given an answer!

I have however become addicted to you funny lot! :-)
My apologies to any senior members who have heard all this before -

I started with the AB when it first started, which was back in 2000.

Seven individuals were employed as writers to write three features a month for their section - mine was music - and to monitor and produce their section.

The powers that be decided in 2005 that the site was strong enough to stand alone without the attraction of our deatless prose, so our (paid!) contracts were terminated.

I stuck around and became a standard contributor like everyone else, and apart from illness and holidays, i have been on every day since then.

My profile is not constant - I had to re-name myself after a technical glitch, so it starts from part-way through my time on here, but I am, by default, the longest serving poster on the AB - a role I hold in very high esteem indeed!
This, it was so good nobody answered it.


Getting a Response from answer Bank because my first profile was banned!

Still waiting for a repsonse :0(

Came back because sometimes its good to get an answer with an opionion !
Mine was asking how you could tell the age of a horse from its teeth. Not sure why I wanted to know that!
Mine was a crossword question and was a taste of things to come in that the first answer was correct, and the second answer was removed.............

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