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Is Franknstan a troll?

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mrs_overall | 18:28 Sun 13th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
His exciting post about pulling his blue jeans on has vanished


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Probably, think only joined today and it's goodbye already !
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Good riddance then
Why was it pulled, anybody know?
It's a's bound to have been Man-On-The-Top-Of-The-Clapham-Omnibus........
mrs_o - franknstan has not yet come out to play!
frankandstan have been, as have frankanstan ;o)
Was he also the one who asked earlier about handbags at dawn? I posted on that and it's gone too
jth, if it was he, I like his musical taste
-- answer removed --
Oh poo....I miss all the good stuff..... ;-(
Question Author
That's not like you pasta - you usually have a ring side seat!
Put that wooden spoon down, mrs_o ROFL

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Is Franknstan a troll?

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