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Harry's Jollies

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tamborine | 02:38 Thu 31st Mar 2011 | News
48 Answers
Aren't you sick of his global gallivanting all over the news ?


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well blame the news channel, not him.
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My son (non-commissioned) has served with him and socialised with him. Harry is 'one of the boys' and very well liked amog the ranks.

/// One is flying operational air/sea rescue sorties. The other is an army helicopter pilot who may well be flying ops in Afghanistan,///

That may well be, but I don't think either of them will be allowed to put their lives at risk,

But I know of many who serve 6 months each time on the front line in Afghanistan, but I don't know of many of them who get the time off from duties that these two get.
'These two' are undertaking 'other duties' peculiar to their particular rank and station in life.

The many of whom you speak do not have every minute of every day placed under the microscope as 'these two' do.......

Like I said, sour...
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That was an old pic of Harry and showed no similarity in actual features whatsoever to Hewitt apart from hair colour..Harry is growing to look more and more like Prince Charles as he gets older especially around the eyes and nose (poor sod)
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