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I realize

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stewey | 18:37 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
...that this could be the wrong place, and perhaps the wrong time; but, could we have a thread about interesting things to see and do on Threadneedle Street?


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My company fitted some ductwork somewhere on Threadneedle St. I don't know which building so perhaps you could just look out for some interesting ductwork.
I wouldn't bank on it.
This question is on the wrong Thread
(but very good)
You are a right merchant banker aren't you!
Now the Wilkipedia entry makes this question a lot more interesting

//The name of the street (Threadneedle) could also be a euphemism for its possible former name, Gropecunt Lane, "called for the simple reason that it was a famous haunt of prostitutes//
Question Author
Do the bankers hang out on Threadneedle Street? Harley Street is for doctors right?
they didnt half name things bluntly back then.......imagine calling your local street that today!
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Much too cryptic, hm. I assume you are talking about Theseus in Greek Mythology?
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Well, I'm off to the bar now, and talking about crosswords I always take one with me...Cheers.

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I realize

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