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Ok I know the ed is about

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dotty. | 09:37 Sun 24th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Can we have the Easter Chicks back please as that St Georges Day logo is dire, it's a dirty brown colour and George and his horse look naff. (sorry ed but they do) : (


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Since when was this a democracy Ed?

I prefer it when you put up a logo of your chosing and we all moan like hell about it! If we have any say in the logo we'll only fall out over it and you'll have to clear up the mess.

I say you put up whatever you think fitting for the Royal Wedding, just make sure its something!

Like the little chicks by the way.
Ive put my Av up for the Royal Wedding. Just 2 hearts, plain and simple

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Ok I know the ed is about

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