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Condensed milk

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hammerman | 12:08 Sun 24th Apr 2011 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
Thought i'd bought the caramel stuff for a bonoffee pie and when i opened it, it was the normal, sickly sweet stuff.

Any suggestions what to do with an open tin of condensed milk ?


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scottish tablet. fudge.
Just put in a small pan and boil till it turns to caramel for your pie.
Find a bottle of Camp coffee, mix, add hot water and relive WW2.

We were so darn hungry it was a luury!
luxury even.
You can make this into the caramel you wanted. Melt 25g of butter in a pan, add 50g of granulated sugar and stir till the sugar melts. Add the condensed milk and stir over a medium heat for about 10 to 14 minutes, make sure to stir around the bottom of the pan so it doesn't stick. Continue to stir until it turns brown and thick. Make sure it is thick enough, then leave to cool before using.
Get dessicated coconut, chopped frui and nuts, and put into bowl with the condensed milk, stir well, put into shallow baking tin, and cook till lighly golden. Whilst still warm, top with grated chocolate, and leave to cool. When cold cut into squares, and enjoy - delicious.
Eat it with a spoon.
^^coriander2 beat me to it. eat from the can.

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Condensed milk

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