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moonraker558 | 08:37 Thu 28th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Would I be right in assuming there is some sort of wedding happening tomorrow between some rich kid up the smoke and some posh totty? Only I am picking up some vibes when I turn the tv on. If so I hope it is in the afternoon, then if it doesn't work out they won't have wasted the whole day. I am working so it wont bother me either way.


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Errr, Jayne, given your frequent use of the word jolly and a working knowledge of hockey sticks and lacrosse I'd hardly put you in the common category.
"jolly" is freeware ... everyone can share it.

And we played LaX at school. Lots of schools do.

But all of us who are not landed or titled are, I think, commoners.
lacrosse? lots of school? Maybe in Hove, love.
But the UK's biggest supplier of LaX equipment - Hattersley's - are based in Manchester. They manufacture and sell their own sticks, and they are the UK distributors for STX and DeBeers. Manchester. Not Hove.

ps. "Love" ??

I thought we'd established on one of the News threads that the correct form of address is "Dear" !!


sorry, that was no way for me to address ex Roedean illumini !
Is that Alumni ?

But as it's just me, I'm an Alumnus.

But, sadly for me, I didn't go to Roedean.

Actually, that's not fair, because I adored my school, even though it wasn't Roedean.

So, Booldawg ... fancy a bit of lacrosse practice?


It's pretty physical. Not for softees or football players.


Hang on ... we've drifted off the original subject again.
"she^s one of us ",,,,,,,,,,,,,, is she ? how many abers have parents who are millionaires. were educated at one of the most expensive and prestigious schools and universities in britain. not what i would call normal life for most .
jj is quite correct. The ex's second wife used to be captain of the lacrosse team at her public school, and she is definitely common.
But, Anne ... her parents worked and made their own money.

Even people with money can still be commoners ... look at most Lottery winners, or Cheryl Cole.

And she got to St Andrews because she did well at school ... not because her grandy was The Queen.

crafty ... there you are ... precisely my point.
Good luck to them, but I'll not be watching, no interest whatsoever and what'smore I'm working nights anyways so will be giving it big Z's most of the event.
I've got an idea, how about having an anti wedding at the same time with a couple going through infidelity and bitter divorce....etc..... hang on, it'll be on Corrie already, doh!

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