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partner on deeds

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jaycee401 | 10:23 Thu 12th May 2011 | Law
4 Answers
Hi I want to put my partner on my deeds so we can get a joint mortgage on the property how do I go about this thanks. I already have a mortgage on the prop but need to re-mortage as deal is up.


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I think you need to do this via a solicitor, to give him co-ownership of the property - I suggest that you'd need to do this via a solicitor.
I think you have it back to front - you would get a new joint mortgage and as part of that your solicitor would apply to the land registry to change the legal ownership of the property. Think of it as you individually selling the property to you plus partner as a couple.
Exactly. Mortgage first, then the name is automatically added to the Title Register at the Land Registry (deeds).
jaycee, you've already asked about this on several different threads, have you looked at all the other answers?

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partner on deeds

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