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what should i do

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slinky.kate | 15:36 Wed 25th May 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
have a shower,get dressed,start dinner,tidy up OR,stay on the laptop????


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I thought women could multi-task!
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i can,turn on dishwasher washing machine and micro wave
Have a shower - yes
Get dressed - if you want
Start dinner - if you're hungry
Tidy up - it'll still be there tomorrow
Stay on the laptop - Life is short (as you know) do what you want to do and don't worry about the rest...

Have a shower though :-) x
Don't use the laptop in the shower................
Get dressed?????????????
What about a quickie?
I thought you put quiche then McM - I thought that was unlike you.... after all real men don't eat quiche, do they?
Hmm I got up and showered and dressed a few hurs ago... but now I am bored! Only got a little bit of washing up to do for tidying as well! Grrr!
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og gawd i'll need to get the dinner started

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