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soliloquy | 12:55 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Crosswords
8 Answers
In today's post I received the crossword consolation prize of the notebook which came with a nice ballpoint pen. Earlier this year, I won the fountain pen. So, if you've been sending in the crossword for years and haven't won anything yet, don't give up hope!


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Many congratulations!
Good for you!
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Thank you Muzz.
Question Author
Thank you rich47. It was a surprise to get the earlier prize. i never expected two within such a short space of time - if ever!
Well done soliloquy! Hope your run of good luck continues! :o))
Question Author
Thank you JMR27. I hope it will extend to tonight's Lottery!
congrats to you.
Pls tell me do you post 1st o 2nd class and when on Monday or on the Sat the day the paper comes out-just curious, about 5 years ago we [hubby &me] won the DT £200 but I havent won anything since.
Question Author
To Dee Sa. I post second class on Monday. Don't give up, you can win a second time.

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