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Criminal Assault?

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welshlibranr | 20:49 Fri 19th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
anyone know what sentence is likely to be imposed if this a first offence!....NB. I was not the offender, a family member was attacked!.


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Depends on the injuries received and the actual charge levelled at the offender.
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injury was a black eye daffy, but the attacked person was recovering from a heart attack at the time, and was sitting in his car with the window open at the time, so not able to avoid the attack!......
I expect he will get a fine and perhaps a suspended sentence. Prisons are too full to put a first offender in - unless it is something like murder.
I'm not sure this would even get as far as that Starbuckone. The police may just reprimand the offender if he or she admits they did it. When my daughter was attacked she received a similar injury and the offender got off scot free despite witnesses saying they saw it all.

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Criminal Assault?

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