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norton.....advice please...

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ibizaboy | 17:18 Sun 04th Dec 2011 | Technology
24 Answers
i have recently installed norton anti virus instead of my previous company one.
however to my annoyance at the moment, every time i switch the computer on it does a complete scan and slows everything up. i cant find anywhere (unlike my previous one) where you can set a day,week and time for it to come on automatically. anyone got any ideas. thanks


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How are you getting on Ibizaboy?

(He didn't ask us whether we approved of his purchase, he was looking for help with his scheduling)
18:26 Sun 04th Dec 2011
Venator .. You're another one ..

Please explain what you mean by the statement
"It actually writes itself into many of your applications"
That's bull $ hit. Never heard so much crap.
Hi Albags - another what? are you impugning my masculinity? Should I be outraged and offended like the shoot Clarkson crowd? <]:-) (joke)

Maybe Norton has got its act together now.

When I removed it a couple of years ago, saving a reasonable amount of cash, it reported that it had been removed, but there were still loads of entries left in the Registry which had to be hunted down, not something the average user would wish to do.

Check it out - http://www.askdavetay...e_norton_from_pc.html

Norton certainly causes a lot of ill feeling. That's real crap.

Admittedly .. it 'could' be a problem a few years ago.
It is not now .. in fact since around 2010 when it was completely re-written and re-designed.
It's difficult trying to lose a bad reputation.
Unfortunately, people seem to like passing comment about some programs based on heresay or other remarks. I have it installed on around 8 machines .. laptops and PC's running xp home to W7.
I think 2010 was it's best year.
How are you getting on Ibizaboy?

(He didn't ask us whether we approved of his purchase, he was looking for help with his scheduling)

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norton.....advice please...

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