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maggiebee | 17:25 Thu 08th Dec 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
18 Answers
Thought of the Moment

It is the law of human life, as certain as gravity; to live fully, we must learn to use things and love people... not love things and use people. -Maria Montessori


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Does this mean you're going to stop moaning at me now because you don't like my posts?
Question Author
Ah Naomi, I will honestly stop moaning at you. Never meant it personally its just that certain topics get me a bit would up. Truce?
A practical proposition, maggiebee, and that seems to be one truce on the AB horizon.

Now bring on the Holy Trinity and our blessed Sith now in this so-called season of peace and joy.
I like that, maggie.
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Maggie, thank you for that. :o)
weren't they mostly Protestant missionaries?
I notice you say that you're a lapsed Catholic. You'll know that the doors of the church, like those of The Ritz, are open to everybody.
//The catholic church has a history of exploiting people across the globe for its own gain.//

Don't ALL religions do the same?

The very reason I'm a born again Agnostic!
Is employing people termed using?

Anyway, I love my computer and there ain't nuthin you can do about it.
Sandy, you don't quite have to sell your soul to get into the Ritz.. :-)
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Isn't that New zealand?
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Birdie, I don't know where the lapsed Catholic bit came from. Sorry.

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