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johntywino | 19:49 Tue 13th Dec 2011 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
Anyone with a nice, easy rabbit stew recipe???


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First....catch rabbit.
I have some spare rabbits :-)
I love rabbit stew and rabbit pie, you dont need a recipe for rabbit stew, just cut up rabbit and all the veg you can handle with some chicken stock wang it all together and cook for a few hours!!
Lapin à la moutarde is really lovely.


It's the first rabbit recipe you learn in France so it's easy!!
Tch, I posted an answer, will try again.
Rabbit is fab with apple. Cook with apple slices and cider. Google apple with rabbit, or vice versa.
Hairy Bikers did one today on Best of Britain

Not that I would ever eat a rabbit ..yuk :)
Never made rabbit stew but an ex partner used to make rabbit curry which was delicious. He was a gamekeeper so shot/caught rabbits regularly. After skinning and gutting he soaked the rabbit in slightly salted water overnight which turned the flesh white. Then made a curry with the meat. Most folk thought it was chicken. Have also eaten rabbit while on holiday in Malta. Sorry for the ramble, don't get out much.
Rabbit is the animal that has the highest percentage of meat to bone
A tip -If you are making a rabbit pie you will need a eggcup in the middle of the pie to stop the pastry dropping into the pie. Alternatively ask your butcher for a hump backed rabbit and you will not then need an eggcup

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