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Christopher Hitchens death a relief for christians.

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jomifl | 14:58 Fri 16th Dec 2011 | Society & Culture
26 Answers
An American christian organisation 'thanked god' for the death of Christopher Hitchens. A fine example of 'christian values' Still no one could accuse them of hypocrisy.


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Strangely I cannot get a connection to Westboro Baptist Church. What could be going on, surely not divine intervention?
Doubt it. If there's a God I hope he's not on their side!

I've tried, and couldn't get into their home page, but I got into their 'picket schedule' which was the next one down on the first page of google. That gets you into their website.
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Oh they are a bunch of charmers! God Hates Fags???? Idiots!
It is sad he is gone. He has left a nice legacy of work though - a selection of books and essays and on utube several debates.

Some of the more robustly militant christians have form in this area though - When he first announced his cancer, there were several comments posted to the effect that the cancer was "gods justice" - Once again, a nice example of christian values.
I remember, when a cyclone struck Darwin in Australia in 1974, some religious cretins wrote a letter to the local paper where I lived at the time pointing out that the destruction was obviously God's revenge on the town's namesake and his views on evolution!
I then had a letter published asking them to explain what poor old St Francis had done to annoy Him, based on the earthquakes, fires etc that had plagued San Francisco. Must have been something because, a few years later, Assisi - the same saint's home town - was also devastated, especially its church!
Oddly, they had no reply.

The passing of Christopher Hitchens is a grievous loss to humanity, whereas these plonkers would be missed by no one but their immediate relations.

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Christopher Hitchens death a relief for christians.

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