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Grandaughter Upset

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maggiebee | 23:54 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Came down the stairs in tears - couldn't sleep. She was scared Santa wouldn't stop. Been a good gran and cosied into her for 15 minutes and told her I'd written to Santa and told him how good she had been. All peaceful now bless. Have a lovely Christmas everyone.


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Awww bless her! Hope you have a lovely Christmas too xx
maggiebee your avatar looks so much like my cats...... got photos very similar thought they were mine.
When kids get upset or frighten by santa not coming, it makes me wonder about the santa, tooth fairy myth.
Ah how lovely - just treasure those moments maggie ..... have a lovely Christmas and God bless x
Micmak - what myth? You mean Santa and the Tooth Fairy aren't REAL? Gosh I never knew that!
ann86 of course they are real. how else will i get any presents.
Ahhh so sweet Maggie. My Grandma would have done the same. She will love waking up on xmas day with you there. Have a great day!

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Grandaughter Upset

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