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child maintenance

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jayt71 | 22:24 Fri 13th Jan 2012 | Law
6 Answers
my daughters dad has started paying me maintenance (took me 14 years) and what i want to know is do i declare it to council and working tax or is the money classed as mine, can anyone in this situation please help me, i work over 16 hours thanks


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You should declare that you are receiving this nut it is ignored doe the calculation.
maintenance isn't part of HMRC calculations
Anything you get will be your daughters to spend - that's the theory behind it anyway lol Of course you should use it for clothes, rent, food etc etc

What I think about it taking 14 years for him to pay up is another thread :-)
Both child tax credit and working tax credit are means tested or income related benefits, CTC replaces support for children within the tax system and WTC replaces working families tax credit. You also mention the “Council” they would only be paying housing and council tax benefit.
CTC & WTC have no system of capital limits only interest from savings will be taken into account. Income for tax credits are based on income tax legislation, the principle is that usually all taxable income will be taken into account and other income will be ignored.
The best advice would be to declare your maintenance payment, which will be ignored by tax credits, but you have declared them.
Best to declare the payment to Tax Credit Office & to the Council, but as already said it is ignored in calculating your entitlement to tax credits and Housing/Council Tax Benefit.
You'd better declare it to be on the safe side, but the maintenance isn't classed as your income, it's funding to pay for things for your child.
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thanks everyone, i will declare it and hopefully it wont affect anything x

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