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Sunday Love

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joggerjayne | 18:04 Sun 22nd Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Glass of sherry.

Ski Sunday on in ten minutes.

You have to love Sundays.

Yes ??


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Arsenal 1 Man U 2
ATM i love sundays because i am having every monday off from work, so while hubby is getting stuff ready for work, i am relaxing knowing i wont have to get up tomorrow
I'm watching the antiques roadshow now the skiing has finished. Sunday night has doom - I have to pack my work bag for an early start tomorrow.
Sundays suck, i hate 'em.
Broken hearted, had more than one and fell asleep during Ski Sunday. Did afternoon work RNLI before the sherry though.
Was unable to eat my pudding earlier so I am eating home made apple crumble with lashings cream. Sunday love, you gotta love it.
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No cheese.

Are you off to smelly London this week? Love to know what it is you do

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Sunday Love

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