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now i have the date..its two weeks time...

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janzman | 21:04 Tue 31st Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
...I'm 60+ and never been inside a hospital except to visit,certainly not an overnight stay..but now I'm to undergo an operation.It's not an uncommon procedure but I'll be in for about 5 days with at least 12 weeks convalescence..I'm a little apprehensive to say the least....:-)


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I would be too, I hate hospitals. What are you going in for janzman? ( I hope you don't mind me asking)
I know how you feel, janzman, I hate submitting myself for surgery - but hopefully worth it in the end.
Another schnauzer avatar - how nice.

If you have never had a hospital stay janzman it will be a shock to the system - I personally love it - strange - but then I am. Take whatever it is you do when you have quiet momnets - good books crosswords letter writing paraphenali etc etc. If you have physio to do that will take up some time. Walk the corridors if that is allowed and generally relax to build up your constitution and if you are luck you will talk to a lot of very interesting people.

Hope that you are not too uncomfortable and make a speedy recovery :)
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Thankyou granny g for your kind words, you've lifted my has this rather fine
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You're welcome - I'll raise my glass to you
I hope its not too much of a shock to the system Janz. The anticipation is always worse than the real thing but on the whole the staff are delightful, (the food is grim but that's to be expected nowadays!) and they will do all they can to get you home again.

The 12 weeks of convalescence is likely to be testing so do you best to arrange a laptop and wifi connection if you can as it'll keep you in touch with the world; and all of us!

Bets of luck with your operation - I hope it all goes well and you've home as soon as possible.
^^ get you home again quickly. Is what I meant to say!
I'm sure you will be very well looked after. Don't forget your earplugs!
This is why I cannot understand anyone having an operation which is not necessary like face lifting. I have only had one operation, not long ago janzman and the stay in the hospital was absolutely superb as gran says. They did everything to make my life comfortable. I am sure you will be all right, except for the discomfort of the operation - they will look after you. Discount any horror stories you may have heard or read and look at it from your own point of view.
Earplugs, some sort of personal music system, loads of books inc puzzle books, change for the phone or overbed tv system (sometimes comes with internet system) take your own instant coffee and let them use their milk/sugar hospital coffee is foul and a bottle of squash a pack of wet wipes for freshening up when you can't get out of bed and make the most of the rest...
Another schnauzer wishing you a successful op, short stay and speedy recovery x
I am sure you will be fine janz, I have been in hospital a few times, they are quite friendly places. I hope all goes well for you, it will be over before you know it.xx
Sounds like my time in hospital with a hip replacement. Took a couple of good books and my MP3 player. Food was great, staff were great and met some lovely people. Good luck janzman, let us know how you get on.
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Thankyou all very much.I take on board your suggestions and receive your good wishes with gratitude.
janzman, hope all goes well, as I am sure it will, please do everything they tell you to do - no cheating, I got through my three months doing crosswords and puzzles, sent them off and won £100 on one of them. x
At 58 I went in for major surgery I was petrified (but with a stiff upper-lip)
needn't have worried, everyone was brilliant, pain relief was magical, couldn't have been better looked after (St Thomas's, Westminster)

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now i have the date..its two weeks time...

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