i eat it all the time and most of it is delicious and in some instances almost indistingushable from real meat
i too have fooled people with it and even my brother who is totally anti vegetarian said he actually preferred the veggie sausage rolls from sayers, over the meat ones! i was gobsmacked.
like with any food, there are nice ones and not so nice varieties... the quorn brand tends to be the best
but you can buy TVP (textured vegeable protein) from health footh shops - holland and barrett etc or world supermarkets... you could look online too
it comes dried in either chunks or mince (i prefer the mince) and can be flavoured or unflavoured...this is more like beef mince... quorn chunks and mince are more like chicken
its really a bit of trial and error - as with all food - to find your favourite ones
with some veggie meals, they have spent a lot of time and effort on the flavour, testing and testing to get it right...rather than relying on the meat and basic seasonings to give flavour...so in some ways it can be tastier...