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Mushy Peas

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bellazella | 00:05 Sat 24th Mar 2012 | Food & Drink
27 Answers
I havent had them in years, anyone still make them from scratch?


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Still get mushy peas in our local chippy. Loved the buster stall when I was young can almost taste the chips and mushy peas with loads of vinegar - yummy.
i make them at least once a week
Had fish chips ad mushy peas tonight, chips were done in actifry (No calories)
Fish was frozen from Harry Tuffin (8 Fillets for £3-superb)didn't use all of them! Mushy peas from ASDA.
I buy them in a tin from super market and I luv them. However they are only a luxury add-on to a heathy diet. They have little or no vegetable nutritional value. They are green dyed, I think derive from marrowfat peas which are the same non-vitamin-lacking dyed peas by the time they are canned or frozen. I was told this by a nutrition guy who had taken part in their manufactor, so cannot vouch for truth of above. After searcing on peas nutrional value, the best seem to be CANNED GARDEN PEAS, better than frozen or de-hydrated. I am switching to latter. I just cook canned garden peas and mash them. Can anyone prove me wrong on above, I would like to be wrong and educated but I doubt if critics can do so.
Love tinned garden peas, so sweet but not the same beast.
The dried pea you need is a blue boiling pea, soak over night with either a stepping table or a teaspoon or two of bi-carb.

Rinse of and cover with fresh water and boil till they break down, you can add a little more bicarb but not to much, if you got stepping tablets (their white like a big mint) you may also have a green tablet you should add at this stage, or you can add a little green colouring if no tablet you will need to remove scum during the early stage of boiling. Also add some salt.

You can also add a bacon hock and cook it at the same time, makes a great meal.

You can also use pigeon peas, these make what called grey peas and bacon taste similair but are brown in colour not green and are eaten in the Black country and wolverhampton.

Don't forget to season with a little sugar and vingear, you can also use mint when sereving with lamb shanks.

You can also add
I have made them from scratch - but they take way too long. Asda sell frozen, partially cooked ones and they are great. However, you need to cook them for longer than it says on the pack for proper mushy peas. If you want to make pea soup with them - just add more water.

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