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What's it Called?

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maggiebee | 21:09 Sat 07th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Want to buy one of these little machines that shaves the "boolies" off your jumpers. Anyone know what they're called?


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pilling shaver.
Or fabric shaver it would seem.

(the "boolies" are properly called pilling BTW)
You need to get out more
Personally I just use a razor.
Lint/bobbler remover.
It is called a Remington Fuzz-away I am told.
You need a pilling comb. Those machines will thin your jumper out and ruin it.
Bobbleoff from jml if i remember my late night infomercials correctly :)
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You're right bellazella, once I've shaved my jumpers I will lol.
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Thanks everyone, lots of choice on Amazon.

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